
Hear what people are saying about us...

Excellence in our local education serves as the foundation for the prosperity of our oil and gas industry, ensuring a strong future for our students and the Kern County community at large. Through innovative programs and initiatives, we must equip our students with the cutting-edge skills and knowledge required to excel in these ever-evolving sectors. Our partnership with the oil and gas industry is not just about supporting current endeavors but also about investing in a very capable future workforce.

Anthony Cordova
Vice Chancellor, California Community Colleges

Growing up as the daughter of an oil industry worker, my dad was able to provide well for his family and we got to see the world. It is great now for our students to learn about the science and technology that goes into the industry that provides energy for all of us.​

Michelle McLean, Ed.D.
Former Superintendent, Arvin Unified School District

As a business owner in Kern County, I am very aware of the enormous positive impact that the local oil industry has on our businesses. The good paying jobs that go along with this industry translate into families being able to bring their children into American Kids, leading to employment in our business and additional spending in our community. We have to speak up for the oil industry in Kern County and protect this great natural resource and the thousands of jobs in our community.

Mike Williams
Owner, American Kids Sports Center

If we don’t support Oil in Bakersfield, shame on us. We have an economic engine which has sustained us well beyond our borders. I am so glad KCE gives voice to the goodness of oil, in contrast to the anti-frackers and rest of the ‘community activists’ who would shut down the industry, damaging the very people whom they claim to defend and represent.

Scott Lieberg
Sunbelt Business Brokers and Advisors

As a comprehensive financial planner I have the pleasure of working with many amazing individuals in the oil industry firsthand and on a very personal level. I am honored to know and work with these quality people, and am better for it. It is this personal side of the local oil industry – the quality individuals that comprise it– that I know and value so well.

Debbie Charpentier
Charpentier Wealth Strategies

CASA of Kern County has received such immense support from the energy companies in our community, that we don’t consider them funders, we consider them partners. Each energy partner has provided leadership, strategic planning assistance, vital funding, committee support, and volunteer Advocacy to the vulnerable foster children in acute need that we serve. These abused and abandoned children do not vote, do not drive vehicles, and do not make energy choices for their families, and yet the support grows annually. The Oil and Energy companies in Kern County are comprised of caring people who want to ensure safety and sustainability for the most fragile in our community. It is easy to support their cause.

Colleen A. McGauley
Former Project Manager, CA CASA

The energy industry plays a vital role as a philanthropic muscle for our Kern County non-profits.  From the selfless time, talent and personal gifts provided by their employees that work and live in our community to the tremendous community investment dollars that change lives each and every day. Our Kern County youth thrive in the cutting edge programs including early childhood literacy, career development,  and educational pathways/higher learning which have been developed under their stewardship. The leaders in this industry continue to demonstrate a collective heart for Kern County residents by ensuring that human service programs continue to be initiated, enhanced and sustained.

Zane Smith
Executive Director, Boys & Girls Clubs of Kern County

Thank you so much for KCE’s generous support of Kern EDC and our Foundation. Your partnership allowed us to honor Kern County’s oil industry and the people who laid the foundation of our amazing community. We truly appreciate it!

Cheryl Scott
Former Vice-President, Kern Economic Development Corporation

The oil industry in Kern County has been one of our most substantial and committed partners in feeding the hungry for almost thirty years. We have relied on and been deeply appreciative of their financial and advisory support on a corporate level, and of the tireless efforts and huge hearts of their employees. The combination has provided our organization the stability to mature into a valued part of the community – one that helps take care of our own neighbors who are struggling. Such a win-win for us all!

Pam Fiorini
Former Executive Director, Golden Empire Gleaners

The oil and energy companies in Kern County have made it possible for the Bakersfield Homeless Center to continue to serve our community for the past 24 years. We are continually inspired by their dedication and generosity. Their partnership with our organization is vital and enables us to succeed in our mission to provide hope and opportunity to individuals, families, and children who are in crisis due to homelessness.

Louis Gill
Bakersfield Homeless Center

With nearly 40 years of oilfield work, I can speak from personal experience on the enormous support Kern County energy companies have provided our community. The oil and gas sector serves as one of the most significant local employers, paying much higher than the average county wage. As a Latino energy professional, I am proud of the opportunities this industry provides people from all backgrounds. Kern Citizens for Energy is breaking ground by increasing education and awareness of this vital Kern County industry.

Con casi 40 años de trabajo en campos petroleros, puedo hablar por experiencia personal sobre el enorme apoyo que las compañías de energía del condado de Kern han brindado a nuestra comunidad. El sector del petróleo y el gas es uno de los empleadores locales más importantes y paga mucho más que el salario promedio del condado. Como profesional latino de la energía, estoy orgulloso de las oportunidades que esta industria brinda a las personas de todos los orígenes. Kern Citizens for Energy está abriendo nuevas vías al aumentar la educación y la conciencia de esta industria vital del condado de Kern.

Rick Garcia
Kern County League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) President

Without a thriving oil and gas industry, our local public safety departments would not receive the critical revenues needed to protect and support our community. We depend on this industry for our trucks and for the lifesaving, life-protecting equipment and resources we use every day. Kern County Firefighters IAFF 1301 supports Kern Citizens for Energy and the many men and women that provide the energy we all need.

David Nelson
President of the Kern County Firefighters Association, Local 1301

As someone deeply invested in our community’s prosperity, I proudly support the oil and gas industry and the invaluable opportunities it brings, particularly to underserved communities. This industry provides not only essential jobs but also second chances for individuals, including those who are impacted by the justice system. Career opportunities with livable wages foster economic empowerment and stability for countless families. Kern Citizens for Energy’s unwavering advocacy for the oil and gas industry highlights its significance and ensures its continued growth. Together, we can champion these vital sectors, creating pathways to success for everyone in our community.

Juan Avila
COO, Garden Pathways Inc.

Kern Citizens for Energy
