Oil Industry Supporters Ask for Taft’s Support

By Doug Keeler, Midway Driller Editor
Posted Aug. 13, 2014

The Taft City Council got an invitation to endorse a coalition supporting the oil industry and by all indications, they’ll do just that.

Tracy Leach and Nick Ortiz made the invitation on behalf of Kern Citizens for Energy earlier this month.

Ortiz is manager, production regions and property tax issues for the Western States Petroleum Association, made the invitation and Tracy Leach, owner of a consulting firm and member of the Kern Citizens for Energy, joined him.

City Councilman, organizer of the Taft Oil Industry rally held in May, is also a member of the group.

Mayor Paul Linder said the item will be added to a future agenda

“We as a community are pro-oil because we are built on oil,” Linder said.

“We appreciate as an industry your support of our employees and of us as an industry,” Ortiz said.

Source: http://www.taftmidwaydriller.com/article/20140813/NEWS/140819876/0/SEARCH


Kern Citizens for Energy
